

February 2022

Law and Regulation for Sustainable Finance

With Iris Chiu and Lin Lin in the European Business Organisation Law Review, 2022; Vol. 23(1),1–7

Does ESG really matter--and why? Mckinsey's
October 2021

Sustainability Impact in Investor Decision-making

With Juliane Hilf, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance.

There may have been a time when it was possible to approach the goal of earning a financial return largely in isolation from broader social goals. In reality, however, financial and economic systems are part of wider social and natural ecosystems. Financial and economic systems can help these ecosystems flourish. However, they also depend upon and can adversely affect them. They can both strengthen and undermine the systems on which they rely.

Does ESG really matter--and why? Mckinsey's


December 2022

Leading with purpose of the PRI annual conference 2022

With keynote from Emmanuel Faber, Chair, International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)

Plenary -  Leading with purpose: asset owner expectations for the next 10 years

New climate commitments, greater reporting expectations and tighter manager monitoring are changing the relationship between asset owners and asset managers.

Does ESG really matter--and why? Mckinsey's
December 2020

David Rouch at Queen Mary University of London

David discusses key themes in The Social Licence for Financial Markets.

Does ESG really matter--and why? Mckinsey's


July 2020

Change how people feel about finance, Bloomberg Daybreak Europe, 13 July 2020

In order to reorient financial markets towards social goods we need to change perceptions of finance. David Rouch tells Daybreak Europe's Roger Hearing and Caroline Hepker that regulation has a place, but so too does a recognition of finance's social purpose.

Does ESG really matter--and why? Mckinsey's